On Dreams – 6 of 10


Well, I know I’m not alone when I say that these are amongst my least favourite types of dream. Perhaps sometimes they can even be classified as nightmares, for the sensation they arouse the most in us, is that purest of primal fears…panic!!!

I’m talking about “late” dreams, those dreams we have where we are desperately trying to get somewhere, and cannot due to ever-mounting obstacles placed in our paths. It’s very easy to link these dreams to our conscious moods, and it’s often anxiety that leads to a severe “late” dream. Quite often these dreams can cause left over panic after we wake from them, so despite their despicable nature, they are very much worthy of a mention!

On that note, I hope you all have relaxed, and laid back well scheduled mornings ahead of you!!!

On Dreams 6 of 10 – Late!
Late! I can’t be late!
I need to leave here by ten past eight!

Just, brush my teeth first,
drink water, quench my thirst.
Grab my keys…where are they???
I put them right here yesterday?!?

Got them! Left ‘em in my pocket…
Time is flying past at the speed of a rocket!

I’ve got to leave, get in the car now…
The windows are frozen! It’s not even cold, HOW?!
Central locking isn’t working, must be the battery,
ok, fine, let’s do this the old way, use the damn key.
Engine on, heater on, radio on, and the news for the morning.
My heart drops, panic rises, reports of a local traffic warning.
EIGHT TWENTY now! I’ll never make it! And I forgot to lock the front door!
Somewhere an alarm is buzzing like a chainsaw! Making my brain sore!
It’s, oh sweet relief, just the alarm on my phone,
it was just a stupid dream, I should’ve known.
Better check the time…it’s ten past eight!!!

I’ve got to leave NOW! I can’t be late!!!

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