Beaver Brain


Objects just fall out of my brain,
roll down to my fingers,
and if they look the same
well that’s a win, although…

Sometimes mistakes work out just fine,
a tweaking here and there,
and that blunder of mine
is something of use, although…

Beavers build dams up there, I’d swear,
and though they are welcome,
they prevent new ideas
they seem happy there, although…

Upon those dams breaking, I flood,
always at daft O’clock,
and with water comes mud
in which I get stuck, until…

I had great fun writing (and drawing) this one! It’s a circular poem, it doesn’t end! It happened by accident which is wonderfully reflective of how my mind works.

Got any questions? Feel free to comment! 

Goodnight Sweet Prince


I’ve tried, I really have, to keep my chin up and stay positive this year. Even I have to admit however, 2016 has thus far been a somewhat consistent chain of catastrophes and disappointments. I would normally reserve a display of grief for my own personal space, but when we lost Prince this week, it was a step too far. I won’t dwell on this one for long, rather than be held down by sadness, it’s a much better idea instead to stick my copy of Purple Rain into my Car CD player, and remember the man for his awesome music.

Peace love and Pixels

Six Syllable Idyll


Be it short or long trill.
Baritone, or curt shrill.
A projected glee spill,
disregarding ill will.
Not dependant on skill.
Laughter. Yeah… It’s bloody brill!

A short happy poem to mark a nice day!

To quote a certain famous cartoon professor “Good news everyone!” My new (old) typewriter has arrived, and (s)he’s (haven’t decided) a beauty! A Bonny blue Silverette II, which I purchased from the brilliant Mr.Mrs.Vintage on their ebay store. I’d highly recommend them if you’re in the market for a vintage typing machine!

I’ll throw in a couple more pictures just because it’s so very beautiful!

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Hello Reader!

And thank you for dropping by! My name is Nick Steel, I’m a digital designer by day, and a writer / illustrator the rest of the time. This is my writing blog.

I love writing, and I’ll be posting up new poems, short stories, episodic material and maybe just some quotes and musings on here on a regular basis.

Have a scroll down, have a read, and leave me a comment if you want! You can read more about me HERE.